Why Brett
Sunday, October 23, 2005

Meanwhile, the legislature spends time deciding who can and can't get married, counting your calories and measuring obesity, pushing for helmet and seatbelt laws, expanding "sin" taxes on alcohol and cigarettes, and trying to protect you from yourself.
The dead weight that truly needs to be cut is the size and scope of government. We need to refocus on the proper roles of government: protecting the innocent and private property, enforcing just laws, leading in setting standards for education and protecting the environment, and pushing the resources of this great state --- the minds and work ethic of the people, ethanol, bio-diesel and alternative energies.
Hello, My name is Brett Blanchfield. I am running a campaign based on the principals of Small government, Individual Freedoms, and Personal Responsibility.
I am excited to meet all my neighbors in this district, to listen to their concerns and work with them to discover new ways to work towards solving the problems of this district. We do not have to accept that just because problems have been in place for a long time that they will continue that new opportunities are only available for new communities and neighborhoods, or that the people and parties that have represented us in the past necessarily have the best plans for our future.
My education as an economist and my work as an appraiser will serve this district well as we need someone that effectively monitor the financial books of our great state. Through my work, I have become intimately familiar with the powers asserted by government through eminent domain and seen the living, working and playing in our district, I have seen neighborhoods pulling together to improve their situation and the future for their children. I have also seen much of surrounding neighborhoods in this district miss out on the economic boom seen in downtown and all around the Des Moines Metropolitan Area. I will bring a new focus and plan to the House of Representatives, will break up the bickering between the two older brother parties in place and will work toward bringing real benefits to the district in the form of better education, more and better paying jobs, clean water for drinking and recreation, protection of property rights and individual freedoms.
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The Authors
Brett Blanchfield

I'm Brett Blanchfield From Des Moines, Iowa, United States Hi, I have a background in agricultural economics and currently work for Principal in commercial appraisal review. My wife vanessa also works downtown and we recently welcomed our first child, through adoption from South Korea - Ethan. We just moved out of the downtown lofts and into a house in Sherman Hill.
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