Blanchfield On KCCI News
Monday, October 23, 2006
Posted by Jake Porter
This morning, KCCI news channel 8 had Libertarian candidate, for Iowa House District 66, Brett Blanchfield on as a guest.
You can watch the interview on the Internet by clicking here.
posted by Jake Porter @ 10:46 AM, ,
Why Brett
Sunday, October 23, 2005
Iowa has the 3rd highest income tax in the country along with the sales, property, gas, diesel, cigarette, beer and wine excise taxes, inheritance and estate taxes. We tax military incomes, social security checks and pensions. We have to bribe companies to come to the state with short term gifts and tax breaks, while states that reduce or eliminate income taxes see dramatic growth in economic development.
Meanwhile, the legislature spends time deciding who can and can't get married, counting your calories and measuring obesity, pushing for helmet and seatbelt laws, expanding "sin" taxes on alcohol and cigarettes, and trying to protect you from yourself.
The dead weight that truly needs to be cut is the size and scope of government. We need to refocus on the proper roles of government: protecting the innocent and private property, enforcing just laws, leading in setting standards for education and protecting the environment, and pushing the resources of this great state --- the minds and work ethic of the people, ethanol, bio-diesel and alternative energies.
Hello, My name is Brett Blanchfield. I am running a campaign based on the principals of Small government, Individual Freedoms, and Personal Responsibility.
I am excited to meet all my neighbors in this district, to listen to their concerns and work with them to discover new ways to work towards solving the problems of this district. We do not have to accept that just because problems have been in place for a long time that they will continue that new opportunities are only available for new communities and neighborhoods, or that the people and parties that have represented us in the past necessarily have the best plans for our future.
My education as an economist and my work as an appraiser will serve this district well as we need someone that effectively monitor the financial books of our great state. Through my work, I have become intimately familiar with the powers asserted by government through eminent domain and seen the living, working and playing in our district, I have seen neighborhoods pulling together to improve their situation and the future for their children. I have also seen much of surrounding neighborhoods in this district miss out on the economic boom seen in downtown and all around the Des Moines Metropolitan Area. I will bring a new focus and plan to the House of Representatives, will break up the bickering between the two older brother parties in place and will work toward bringing real benefits to the district in the form of better education, more and better paying jobs, clean water for drinking and recreation, protection of property rights and individual freedoms.
posted by Jake Porter @ 3:01 PM, ,
Sunday, October 24, 2004
posted by Jake Porter @ 3:54 PM, ,
Saturday, October 23, 2004
posted by Jake Porter @ 6:05 PM,
Friday, October 22, 2004
Blanchfield for 66
620 16th Street
Des Moines, IA 50309
posted by Jake Porter @ 6:11 PM, ,
Education---I believe that a quality education is the basis not only for a person's future economic prosperity but is vital to maintain our form of government. I believe that the role of government in education is to be a leader in setting standards that will allow the people of Iowa to compete not only for jobs here at home but anywhere in the world. I believe that the local communities that have a personal interest in each of the children in the school should handle the implementation of policy and procedures.
"Liberty cannot be preserved without a general knowledge among the people." John Adams
Healthcare---I believe that the growing burden of healthcare expenses and cost of insurance is damaging to individuals, families and businesses, small and large. I believe that people should be allowed to join groups in neighborhoods or with large corporations for the purpose of improving healthcare coverage. It is also an important function of government to watch over the interests of the people and protect consumers from price gouging and runaway costs.
Environment---I will work to maintain clean drinking water, rivers and streams of this state. Current state law has allowed the poor management decisions of a few to pollute the water for the rest of us. Much of Des Moines takes its drinking water from the Raccoon River and the surface irrigation of manure by a few large scale confined animal feeding operations as well as the overflow of waste from smaller communities with poor and outdated sewage systems threatens our health. I will change the rules regarding manure management plans to follow sound scientific and public health guidelines. I will also work to protect the air and land through support of ethanol, biodiesel and other alternative energy sources.
Alternative Energy---I believe it is in the best interest of all Iowans to promote renewable fuels. We cannot allow the whims of foreign governments to dictate the future of the new industries of ethanol and biodiesel in this state. We cannot afford to continue to pay the huge "tax" to foreign governments in the form of high fuel and natural gas prices. I will work to promote Iowa grown renewable fuels across the country and here at home.
Government Transparency---While recent events have shown in a very clear light, the inefficiency and lack of transparency and government control of agencies such as CIETC and Creative Visions, the list of mismanagement of public funds neither begins nor ends with these names. I believe the proper role of government is as a watch dog over these agencies and as a conduit for transparency so that the people whose tax dollars are being spent can know what is being done with their money. I will move to have every agency of government that receives tax dollars show the percentage of the money that they spend, which makes it to the community they are designed to serve.
Tax Credits for Charitable gifts---I want to encourage and teach people to take a personal interest and personal responsibility again for the poor and those in need in their communities by giving tax credits for donations to charities. Individuals take more of an interest in how charities spend their money if they personally write the check rather than rely on the government to take care of the less fortunate in our neighborhoods. This can be a much more efficient way of supporting our neighborhoods as it can be required that this money is used 100% for the people whom the charities are set up to help.
Property Rights---I want to make the laws and the constitution of the state of Iowa stronger with regard to protecting property rights. Recent use and threats of use of eminent domain to take property from private individuals and give it to developers threatens the foundations of freedom. When government believes that it knows what is best with your land, your money, your choices, none of us can be free.
Equality---I will work to ensure that our justice system truly is blind to the superficial differences between us such as race, gender, social status, amount of money in your bank account, sexual orientation, or religion. The use of the legal system to push or limit religious vies or to stop or limit the actions of homosexuals and people with alternative lifestyles stretches the proper role of government far beyond its proper bounds and its constitutional authority.
posted by Jake Porter @ 5:23 PM, ,
The Authors
Brett Blanchfield
I'm Brett Blanchfield From Des Moines, Iowa, United States Hi, I have a background in agricultural economics and currently work for Principal in commercial appraisal review. My wife vanessa also works downtown and we recently welcomed our first child, through adoption from South Korea - Ethan. We just moved out of the downtown lofts and into a house in Sherman Hill.
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